Thursday, February 28, 2008

Transaction Control

You can use two methods to specify the boundaries of transactions with SQL statements. In the most common method,
you specify the start of a multistatement transaction by executing the BEGIN WORK statement. In databases that are created
with the MODE ANSI option, no need exists to mark the beginning of a transaction. One is always in effect;
you indicate only the end of each transaction.

In both methods, to specify the end of a successful transaction, execute the COMMIT WORK statement. This statement tells the database
server that you reached the end of a series of statements that must succeed together. The database server does whatever is necessary
to make sure that all modifications are properly completed and committed to disk.

A program can also cancel a transaction deliberately by executing the ROLLBACK WORK statement. This statement asks the database
server to cancel the current transaction and undo any changes.

Informix SQL Guide

Dynamic SQL - with Informix

  • Dynamic SQL allows a program to form an SQL statement during execution, so that the statement can be determined by user input. The action is performed in two steps.

    1. Preparing a statement

      It uses PREPARE statement to have the database server examine the statement text and prepare it for execution.

          EXEC SQL prepare  from '';

    2. Executing prepared SQL

      It uses EXECUTE statement to execute the prepared statement.

          EXEC SQL execute  from '';

    For instance, if you want to inquire the information of some students, you can use the following dynamic SQL for query:

    int sid;
    char sname[10];

    EXEC SQL prepare query_stud from 'select id,name from student where name=?';

    EXEC SQL execute query_stud into :sid, sname using 'Mike';
    printf("Student: (%d, %s)\n", sid, sname);

    EXEC SQL execute query_stud into :sid, sname using 'David';
    printf("Student: (%d, %s)\n", sid, sname);
    The above produces the following results:
        Student: (2, Mike)
    Student: (9, David)

  • Embedded SQL(including cursor)

    SQL statements can be embedded in the C and COBOL program. In C, all the statement is preceded by "EXEC SQL". There is a detail example in the next section.

    A cursor is a special data object that represents the current state of a query. It is used for retrieving multiple resulting rows of query. It is used in 5 steps:

    1. Declaring a Cursor
    2. Opening a Cursor
          EXEC SQL OPEN ;
    3. Fetching Rows
          EXEC SQL FETCH ;
    4. Closing a Cursor
          EXEC SQL CLOSE ;
    5. Freeing a Cursor
          EXEC SQL FREE ;
      For instance, the following program lists the information of all students.
      int sid;
      char sname[10];

      EXEC SQL DECLARE cursor_stud CURSOR FOR select id,name from student;
      EXEC SQL OPEN cursor_stud;
      while ( SQLCODE == 0 ) {
      EXEC SQL OPEN cursor_stud INTO :sid, :sname;
      if ( SQLCODE == 0 )
      printf("Student (%d, %s)\n", sid, sname);
      EXEC SQL CLOSE cursor_stud;
      EXEC SQL FREE cursor_stud;
      SQLCODE is set to 0 by the database if the select statement is valid, otherwise set to 100. It is used to detect the end of data.

Informix Programming Guide Setting Environment
  • setenv INFORMIXSERVER rodan_ius_net
  • setenv PATH $INFORMIXDIR/bin:$PATH

How do I compile ESQL/C code for use with C++?

There have been a variety of answers, but not any one systematic answer.
Now there is what I believe is a definitive answer -- it's all in the
attached shell archive.

What do you get?
* Updated ESQL/C prototypes for 4.00, 4.1x, 5.0x and 7.2x
* An esql++ compiler
* A pair of patch files for modifying your standard ESQL/C compiler.
Only use these if your ESQL/C is version 4.1 or 5.x; later versions
already have the necessary change).
* A minimal test application.
* No documentation apart from this message!

What do you need to do?
* Unpack the shell archive.
* Place the esql* headers in either $INFORMIXDIR/incl (version 4)
or $INFORMIXDIR/incl/esql (version 5 or later)
* Place the esql++ script in $INFORMIXDIR/bin
* Decide which version of ESQL/C you are using and set the
ESQLC_VERSION environment variable to a value such as:
export ESQLC_VERSION=506 # 5.06.UC1
* Optionally modify esql++ to give the correct default value of
* Decide which C++ compiler you use -- if it isn't CC, set:
export INFORMIXC=g++
* Try compiling the test application:
esql++ -o testapp
* Run it against your local stores database -- it should say '2'.

What if you can't modify your INFORMIXDIR?
* Copy $INFORMIXDIR/bin/esql to somewhere where you can modify it
(eg /some/where/bin/esql)
* Patch it if necessary.
* Place the headers in another directory (eg /some/where/include).
* Modify esql++ so that:
-- arglist starts of with -I/some/where/include as one component
-- ESQL defaults to /some/where/bin/esql
* If you don't have to patch the esql script, you don't have to copy it
to /some/where/bin and you don't need to make the corresponding
modification in the esql++ script.

What about other versions of ESQL/C?
* If you are still using a pre-4.00 version of ESQL/C, the chances are
that the code which edits the 4.xx code will be useful. However, the
prototypes for the ESQL/C interface functions are not known and will
have to be determined by inspection of the generated code. Good luck!
It will probably be easier to upgrade to a later version.
* I haven't been able to test version 8.xx ESQL/C; it isn't available to
me. However, the indications are that it will need the same treatment
as the other post-5.00 implementations of ESQL/C.
* Testing with the version 9.10 ESQL/C compiler indicates that this
script is still necessary.
* Ideally, you won't need this script at all for post-9.xx versions. If
you are using some later version, you will need to revise the script so
that the case statement on $ESQLC_VERSION handles the new (presumably
4-digit) version number.
* Note that ESQL/C 7.24 has some support for C++ built in. In
particular, it preprocesses files with the .ecpp extension and then
compiles them with the C++ compiler. It may not link the object code
with the C++ compiler; if it doesn't, you'd have to do that by running
the link command it with INFORMIXC="C++ compiler" in the environment.

Which versions of ESQL/C are are known to work with this?
* The code has been tested against Informix-ESQL/C versions 4.12.UC1,
5.06.UC1, 6.00.UE1, 7.13.UC1, 7.22.UC2, 9.10.UC2 on a Sun Sparc 20
running Solaris 2.5.1 with both SUNWspro C++ SPARCompiler SC4.0.1 and

Are there any known bugs?
* Life will get very difficult if you pass arguments with quotes or
spaces in them to your compiler:

esql++ -DOPENQUOTE="'" -DSOMMAT="string with blanks"

I do have a solution: it is another program called escape which
deals with precisely that sort of problem.
arglist="$arglist `escape $arg`"
But that requires some more source and isn't generally necessary.
Also, the underlying esql script does not work reliably with such
arguments, so the changes needed are even more extensive.

* The esql7_20.h header is needed until bug B73951 is fixed.