Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Xtem Syntax

About xterm

Terminal emulator for X-windows Terminal


xterm [-toolkitoption ...] [-option]

-help This causes xterm to print out a verbose message describing its options.
-132 Normally, the VT102 DECCOLM escape sequence that switches between 80 and 132 column mode is ignored. This option causes the DECCOLM escape sequence to be recognized, and the xterm window will resize appropriately.
-ah This option indicates that xterm should always highlight the text cursor. By default, xterm will display a hollow text cursor whenever the focus is lost or the pointer leaves the window.
+ah This option indicates that xterm should do text cursor highlighting based on focus.
-b number This option specifies the size of the inner border (the distance between the outer edge of the characters and the window border) in pixels. The default is 2.
-cb Set the vt100 resource cutToBeginningOfLine to FALSE.
+cb Set the vt100 resource cutToBeginningOfLine to TRUE.
-cc This sets classes indicated by the given ranges for using in selecting by words. See the section specifying character classes.
-cn This option indicates that newlines should not be cut in line-mode selections.
+cn This option indicates that newlines should be cut in line-mode selections.
-cr color This option specifies the color to use for text cursor. The default is to use the same foreground color that is used for text.
-cu This option indicates that xterm should work around a bug in the more program that causes it to incorrectly display lines that are exactly the width of the window and are followed by a line beginning with a tab (the leading tabs are not displayed). This option is so named because it was originally thought to be a bug in the curses(3x) cursor motion package.
+cu This option indicates that xterm should not work around the more(3x) bug mentioned above.
-e program [arguments] This option specifies the program (and its command line arguments) to be run in the xterm window. It also sets the window title and icon name to be the basename of the program being executed if neither -T nor -n are given on the command line. This must be
the last option on the command line.
-fb font This option specifies a font to be used when displaying bold text. This font must be the same height and width as the normal font. If only one of the normal or bold fonts is specified, it will be used as the normal font and the bold font will be produced by overstriking this font. The default is to do overstriking of the normal font.
-im Turn on the useInsertMode resource.
+im Turn off the useInsertMode resource.
-j This option indicates that xterm should do jump scrolling. Normally, text is scrolled one line at a time; this option allows xterm to move multiple lines at a time so that it doesn't fall as far behind. Its use is strongly recommended since it make xterm much faster when scanning through large amounts of text. The VT100 escape sequences for enabling and disabling smooth scroll as well as the ``VT Options'' menu can be used to turn this feature on or off.
+j This option indicates that xterm should not do jump scrolling.
-ls This option indicates that the shell that is started in the xterm window will be a login shell
(i.e., the first character of argv[0] will be a dash, indicating to the shell that it should read
the user's .login or .profile).
+ls This option indicates that the shell that is started should not be a login shell (i.e. it will be a normal ``subshell'').
-mb This option indicates that xterm should ring a margin bell when the user types near the right end of a line. This option can be turned on and off from the ``VT Options'' menu.
+mb This option indicates that margin bell should not be rung.
-mc milliseconds This option specifies the maximum time between multi-click selections.
-ms color This option specifies the color to be used for the pointer cursor. The default is to use the foreground color.
-nb number This option specifies the number of characters from the right end of a line at which the margin bell, if enabled, will ring. The default is 10.
-rw This option indicates that reverse-wraparound should be allowed. This allows the cursor to backup from the leftmost column of one line to the rightmost column of the previous line. This is very useful for editing long shell command lines and is encouraged. This option can be turned on and off from the ``VT Options'' menu.
+rw This option indicates that reverse-wraparound should not be allowed.
-aw This option indicates that auto-wraparound should be allowed. This allows the cursor to automatically wrap to the beginning of the next line when when it is at the rightmost position of a line and text is output.
+aw This option indicates that auto-wraparound should not be allowed.
-s This option indicates that xterm may scroll asynchronously, meaning that the screen does not have to be kept completely up to date while scrolling. This allows xterm to run faster when network latencies are very high and is typically useful when running across a very large Internet or many gateways.
+s This option indicates that xterm should scroll synchronously.
-sb This option indicates that some number of lines that are scrolled off the top of the window should be saved and that a scrollbar should be displayed so that those lines can be viewed. This option may be turned on and off from the ``VT Options'' menu.
+sb This option indicates that a scrollbar should not be displayed.
-sf This option indicates that Sun Function Key escape codes should be generated for function keys.
+sf This option indicates that the standard escape codes should be generated for function keys.
-si This option indicates that output to a window should not automatically reposition the screen to the bottom of the scrolling region. This option can be turned on and off from the ``VT Options'' menu.
+si This option indicates that output to a window should cause it to scroll to the bottom.
-sk This option indicates that pressing a key while using the scrollbar to review previous lines of text should cause the window to be repositioned automatically in the normal position at the bottom of the scroll region.
+sk This option indicates that pressing a key while using the scrollbar should not cause the window to be repositioned.
-sl number This option specifies the number of lines to save that have been scrolled off the top of the screen. The default is 64.
-t This option indicates that xterm should start in Tektronix mode, rather than in VT102 mode. Switching between the two windows is done using the ``Options'' menus.
+t This option indicates that xterm should start in VT102 mode.
-tm string This option specifies a series of terminal setting keywords followed by the characters that should be bound to those functions, similar to the stty program. Allowable keywords include: intr, quit, erase, kill, eof, eol, swtch, start, stop, brk, susp, dsusp, rprnt, flush, weras, and lnext. Cotrol characters may be specified as ^char (e.g. ^c or ^u) and ^? may be used to indicate delete.
-tn name This option specifies the name of the terminal type to be set in the TERM environment variable. This terminal type must exist in the termcap database and should have li# and co# entries.
-ut This option indicates that xterm shouldn't write a record into the the system log file /etc/utmp.
+ut This option indicates that xterm should write a record into the system log file /etc/utmp.
-vb This option indicates that a visual bell is preferred over an audible one. Instead of ringing the terminal bell whenever a Control-G is received, the window will be flashed.
+vb This option indicates that a visual bell should not be used.
-wf This option indicates that xterm should wait for the window to be mapped the first time before starting the subprocess so that the initial terminal size settings and environment variables are correct. It is the application's responsibility to catch subsequent terminal size changes.
+wf This option indicates that xterm show not wait before starting the subprocess.
-C This option indicates that this window should receive console output. This is not supported on all systems. To obtain console output, you must be the owner of the console device, and you must have read and write permission for it. If you are running X under xdm on the console screen you may need to have the session startup and reset programs explicitly change the ownership of the console device in order to get this option to work.
Sccn This option specifies the last two letters of the name of a pseudoterminal to use in slave mode, plus the number of the inherited file descriptor. The option is parsed ``%c%c%d''. This allows xterm to be used as an input and output channel for an existing program and is sometimes used in specialized applications.
%geom This option specifies the preferred size and position of the Tektronix window. It is shorthand for specifying the ``*tekGeometry'' resource.
#geom This option specifies the preferred position of the icon window. It is shorthand for specifying the ``*iconGeometry'' resource.
-T string This option specifies the title for xterm's windows. It is equivalent to -title.
-n string This option specifies the icon name for xterm's windows. It is shorthand for specifying the ``*icon- Name'' resource. Note that this is not the same as the toolkit option -name (see below). The default icon name is the application name.
-r This option indicates that reverse video should be simulated by swapping the foreground and background colors. It is equivalent to -rv.
-w number This option specifies the width in pixels of the border surrounding the window. It is equivalent to -borderwidth or -bw.
-bg color This option specifies the color to use for the background of the window. The default is ``white.''
-bd color This option specifies the color to use for the border of the window. The default is ``black.''
-bw color This option specifies the width in pixels of the border surrounding the window.
-fg color This option specifies the color to use for displaying text. The default is ``black.''
-fn color This option specifies the font to be used for displaying normal text. The default is fixed.
-fn font This option specifies the font to be used for displaying normal text. The default is fixed.
-name name This option specifies the application name under which resources are to be obtained, rather than the default executable file name. Name should not contain ``.'' or ``*'' characters.
-title string This option specifies the window title string, which may be displayed by window managers if the user so chooses. The default title is the command line specified after the -e option, if any, otherwise the application name.
-rv This option indicates that reverse video should be simulated by swapping the foreground and background colors.
-geometry geometry This option specifies the preferred size and position of the VT102 window; see X(1).
-display display This option specifies the X server to contact; see X.
-xrm resourcestring This option specifies a resource string to be used. This is especially useful for setting resources that do not have separate command line options.
-iconic This option indicates that xterm should ask the window manager to start it as an icon rather than as the normal window.
-dc This option disables the escape sequence to change the vt100 foreground and background colors, the text cursor color, the mouse cursor foreground and background colors and the Tektronix emulator foreground and background colors.
+dc This option enables the escape sequence to change the vt100 foreground and background colors, the text cursor color, the mouse cursor foreground and background colors and the Tektronix emulator foreground and background


xterm - runs the X terminal (if supported).

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